Alluring Alpacas and WX4BK, Temple, GA Weather

Alluring Alpacas and WX4BK, Temple, GA Weather

28/01/25 16:46:00

Outside Temperature 55.6°F
Wind Chill 55.6°F
Heat Index 53.0°F
Dewpoint 34.1°F
Humidity 44%
Barometer 29.992 inHg
Barometer Trend (3 hours) -0.053 inHg
Wind 5 mph from 234° (SW)
Rain Rate 0.00 in/hr
Inside Temperature 64.6°F
High Temperature 56.5°F at 15:49:37
Low Temperature 30.4°F at 05:54:00
High Heat Index 53.7°F at 15:49:37
Low Wind Chill 22.4°F at 07:57:36
High Humidity 99% at 00:00:16
Low Humidity 39% at 14:00:24
High Dewpoint 35.5°F at 00:00:16
Low Dewpoint 27.9°F at 08:09:37
High Barometer 30.134 inHg at 10:45:39
Low Barometer 29.982 inHg at 16:21:44
Today's Rain 0.00 in
High Rain Rate 0.00 in/hr at 00:00:16
High Wind 15 mph from N/A (N/A) at 13:16:00
Average Wind 4 mph
RMS Wind 5 mph
Vector Average Speed 4 mph
Vector Average Direction 287° (WNW)
High Inside Temperature 64.9°F at 16:27:26
Low Inside Temperature 54.3°F at 07:56:06
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Temple, Georgia, USA
33° 47.68' N
084° 59.66' W
1230 feet

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